How Can We Use Bird’s Eye Chilli To Control Cholesterol – Kanthari Chillies
kanthari chillies are commonly used in kerala and other parts of india. its using in curries and other food items, kanthari chilli have medicine values. kanthari contains vitamin a, b, c and e and minerals. kanthari contains antioxidants and it can control the cholesterol level. kanthari have the ability to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and other heart ailments. we can use kanthari in our curries instead of green chillies. you can check some food recipes made with kanthari mulagu from here.
kanthari mulaku chammanthi
boiled tapioca with kanthari mulaku chammanthi is a deadly combo. keralites like this combination and you can check the method of preparation of the same from here.key ingredients are fresh kanthari mulaku (capsicum frutescens), small onions or garlic , salt, coconut oil and a pinch of tamarind. you can made this dish with small onion or garlic.
crush kanthari mulaku with small onion or garlic and mix with salt, tamarind. you can add 1 spoon coconut oil to this mixture. coconut oil will reduce the hot effect of kanthari mulaku and you can serve this with boiled tapioca , rice etc. this will reduce the cholesterol level, you can avoid the last step adding coconut oil from this recipe.
Sambharam – morum vellam / spiced buttermilk
its a traditional kerala drink and we can use this to reduce the cholesterol. sambharam recipe can be get from here, you can check ingredients of the same. kanthari chillies and yogurt are the main items to make morum vellam. yogurt, kanthari chillies or green chillies, water, curry leaves, ginger , salt are the ingredients to make tasty sambharam. crush ginger and kanthari mulaku, add water to yogurt and mix well.
you can add salt and the kanthari mulaku/ginger paste to this. mix well and enjoy the tasty sambharam aka morum vellam. if you want to reduce your cholesterol level can use this regularly, but remember to use only yogurt without butter. you can take out the butter content from the yogurt and use it.