Prepare Potting Mixture for better output from Terrace Garden – Filling Grow Bags

Filling Grow Bags With Soil And Other Substance For Organic Farming, Potting Mixture Making And Fill The Same In Grow Bags For Cultivating Vegetables. We Have Already Discussed About Grow Bags, All Knows The Usage Of Grow Bags. We Can Now Check Grow Bag Filling And What Substance We Can Use. Soil Is The Main Filling Substance For Grow Bags, We Can Mix Soil With Other Materials. Use Only Upper Layer Soil, That Contains More Fertilizer Parts. Clean Soil And Remove Hard Elements Like Plastics Pieces Etc. Its Better To Put Soil 1 Week Under Hard Sunlight, It Will Better. You Can Spread Quick-lime Over The Soil For 1-2 Weeks, It’s Good For Reducing Soil Acidity.

Potting Mixture
You can mix dried leafs with soil, it will reduce the amount of soil and good for vegetables. Within few time these dried leaves will covert as fertilizer. Put a handful of Neem cake with soil, it will help to protect attacks from soil. You can add 50-100 Grams Per Bag, While purchasing Neam Cake Ensure the Quality. Bone Meal also can add to the Potting Mixture, 50 Grams is enough per medium sized bags.
Its better to avoid chemical fertilizers in grow bags if you are placing the same on rooftop/terrace. if Vermicompost (click here to purchase it online) is available we use the same for filling grow bags. Soil, Dried Leafs, Neem Cake, Vermi Compost all mix well and fill in grow bags. don’t use pressure to fill the mixture don’t full fill it. just fill 3/4 portion of grow bags, if you full fill its difficult to apply water and apply organic fertilizers later.
Rooftop Gardening Tips
We can also use coco peat for filling grow bags, its a good idea to use this. Cocopeat is there are lot of benefits with coco peat. it will absorb more water and we can reduce the watering in vegetables. we can mix coco peat with soil mixture and use the same. if soil is not available coco peat can be use instead of the same. its better to use only organic pesticides and fertilizers in grow bags. if you have any doubts about grow bags and filling materials drop a comment here.

Re-usage Soil/Potting Mixture
One your plant completed it’s life, We can use the potting mixture from Grow Bags/Plant Pots for next season. Take Half portion of the used Soil mixture and the Above mentioned Fertilizers again. Dried cow dung, Goat Manure etc can be used along with this. If you are getting these economical add half portion along with soil, Mix 50-100 Grams of Neem Cake, Bone meal etc.
I like to start organic farming and need to buy grow bags and seeds
Measurement of coco peat used per bag
1/3 or 1/2
What is dolomite and how to use it?
How much quick-lime (chunnabu) to be used per grow bag.
5-10 grams enough